What is Chemical Weapon Disinformation?

In contravention of international law, chemical weapons have been used repeatedly during the Syrian War, with sarin and chlorine gas attacks killing and injuring hundreds of civilians. These horrific events have also been the focus of coordinated disinformation campaigns.


Driven by the Syrian regime and Russia, and amplified on social media to an unprecedented scale, these disinformation campaigns have falsely claimed that the attacks on towns such as Khan Sheikhoun and Douma were staged, and have even turned the tables by accusing the opposition of developing chemical weapons. Additionally, the Syrian Air Force has been portrayed as having destroyed an opposition-held chemical weapons lab. Other disinformation narratives have targeted humanitarian groups and emergency responders, falsely linking them to terrorist organizations.


The damages of these disinformation efforts have been devastating. The amplification of these false narratives has led to loss of life, with emergency responders being physically attacked and killed. Essential humanitarian programs have lost funding, and division and distrust in international systems have deepened, affecting everything from disarmament treaties to the UN Security Council and the investigation of war crimes.


The disinformation tactics used in Syria are now being replicated in Ukraine, with Russia continuing to make unsubstantiated claims that Ukraine is preparing to use, or has used, chemical weapons. Other baseless claims allege that Ukraine has been assisted by other states in conducting chemical warfare. As the conflict in Ukraine progresses, it is likely that Russian disinformation will escalate, further threatening the safety and security of civilians and undermining the multilateral system.


In response, the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction is developing tools to counter chemical weapons disinformation as it arises in Ukraine, aiming to create a safer, more secure world.