
Disinformation on biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats is increasing across all platforms: in traditional print media, on social media, and in national and international security policy forums.


While disinformation is nothing new, today’s campaigns are spread faster and by more actors using a greater range of platforms to engage more people.

The campaigns can undermine international treaties and multilateral institutions, as well hamper cooperative threat reduction efforts.


Responding to this rise in disinformation campaigns, the G7 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (WMD) established the initiative on Countering WMD Disinformation. The initiative is a comprehensive, coordinated and multi-institutional initiative implemented by the Atlantic Council Digital Forensic Research Lab, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, King’s College London, and One Earth Future’s Open Nuclear Network. It is funded by Global Affairs Canada and supported by a Steering Group composed of eight G7 partners and several observers.


GP WMD Counter Disinfo aims to aid understanding of the direct and indirect harms of CBRN disinformation attacks and to develop tools and solutions to counter disinformation narratives pre-emptively, and by doing so to help build a safer and more secure world.